Nespresso Inissia Vs. Essenza Mini: Which Should You Choose?

You can now find bargains on the discontinued Nespresso Inissia, but how does it compare to its replacement, the Essenza Mini?

Split image of Nespresso Inissia and Essenza Mini on the counter

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Last Updated on September 2, 2024

Getting a cup of fresh coffee with the touch of a button can’t be beat.

Capsule coffee machines make it so easy, and in our opinion, Nespresso makes the best ones. Nespresso has led the pack since a Swiss innovator invented the coffee capsule for Nestlé in the 1980s.

Here we’re comparing the details of two of their small-but-powerful home-use models: the Inissia and the Essenza Mini.

Let’s take a closer look at both machines.


The Inissia was originally Nespresso’s entry-level machine, presenting customers with a straightforward way to brew espresso. However, it has been discontinued. While still widely available and covered by Nespresso’s one-year manufacturer’s warranty, the Inissia is gradually being replaced by the Essenza Mini.

We’ll review the Essenza Mini and compare it to the Inissia later in this article.

With just two options for drink volume and no built-in milk frother, the Inissia is a hassle-free brewer that won’t overwhelm users with options or require any fussy setup. This simple arrangement also comes at an affordable price point. The two drink sizes are ready to go out of the box, but you can program both to accommodate your personal taste. You may also stop the shot manually.

You might be able to get the Inissia at a discount from retailers or online outlets, but beware that replacement parts for discontinued models can become more scarce over time.

The Inissia is a fast, easy machine. It heats in just 25 seconds and brews at the touch of a button. You can even select your brew volume right when you start it up and the machine will automatically brew as soon as it’s ready. This feature eliminates the need to stand there staring at your espresso machine while it blinks through its heating cycle.

The water reservoir holds 24 ounces, enough for a few cups before you have to refill the machine. An interior tray holds up to 11 spent capsules before needing to be emptied. A drip tray with a lid contains the mess from day-to-day operations, and the machine politely shuts itself off after nine minutes without being used.

Cleaning the unit is also easy and quick. The water reservoir and drip tray are removable for washing.

The machine should be descaled with a kit from Nespresso between 1,000 and 4,000 cups brewed, depending on how hard your water is.

The Inissia’s sleek looks and 4.7 x 12.6 x 9-inch footprint help it find a home just about anywhere. It’s available in a selection of colors including classic black and white, and it has a fold-down handle that makes it easy to move and carry. Another clever feature of this unit is the folding drip tray, which allows you to brew directly into your favorite cup or mug regardless of its size.


  • Compact and attractive
  • Fast and user-friendly
  • Larger water and spent-capsule capacity


  • Discontinued model
  • Noisier than newer models
Nespresso Inissia Espresso Machine by Breville
  • BARISTA GRADE: Nespresso Inissia by Breville offers an impeccable single serve coffee or espresso cup every time, thanks to its automatic operation and patented extraction system which delivers up to 19 bars of pressure. The Inissia is the perfect coffee machine that fits perfectly into any interior design.
  • FAST: Eliminate the wait time with how fast the water reaches the ideal temperature in less 25 seconds in a single touch. This automatic coffee machine gets your perfect cup of coffee or espresso to you fast.
  • ENERGY EFFICIENT: Brew two different cup sizes; Espresso (1.35 oz) and Lungo (5 oz), with just the touch of a button. Pour over ice to create your favorite iced coffee drinks. With the smart energy saving mode automatically switches off our coffee maker after 9 only minutes.
  • SMART: Adjustable cup size with two programmable espresso and lungo buttons. The folding drip tray accommodates larger single serve cup sizes and recipes.

Essenza Mini

The Essenza Mini is the newer unit that Nespresso now markets as their entry-level machine. Like the Inissia, the machine is small, lightweight and simple to use. It uses the same capsules and produces the same 19 bars of pressure found across the Nespresso line.

It has a big brother known as the Essenza Plus, which features a larger water tank and more capacity for spent capsules.

This Essenza Mini is designed for the espresso lover who wants to minimize time and hassle in their daily coffee routine. Quick brewing and intuitive operation allow users to prepare quality espresso even on their busiest days.

The first thing to know about the Essenza Mini is that Nespresso contracts with two different manufacturers to make it: Breville and De’Longhi. Both companies have a long history in the coffee business, and both versions of the Essenza Mini have internals built to the same specs. The casing is the main difference, with the Breville being more vertical and understated and the De’Longhi available in brighter colors with a bit of a pyramid profile.

Nespresso has also upgraded the internal functions of the Essenza Mini. Newer technology in the pump reduces noise and energy consumption, making the Essenza Mini a good housemate even in a limited space.

The Essenza Mini does not have a built-in milk frother and comes with two pre-programmed drink volumes: classic espresso and lungo. Both can be reprogrammed to suit your tastes or stopped manually during brewing. When turned on, the machine heats to brewing temperature in 25 seconds.

At 3.3 x 12 x 8 inches, with slight variation between the two varieties, the Essenza Mini can slide into a tiny amount of counter space. The machine locks into brewing mode with a small, unobtrusive lever, meaning you need little clearance around the unit to use it comfortably.

The removable water tank holds 20 ounces and the machine stores six spent capsules before needing to be emptied. Automatic shutoff occurs after nine minutes, though that time can be reprogrammed if desired. With the default settings, the machine enters a power-saving mode after just three minutes, helping to reduce unnecessary energy consumption.


  • Multiple styles to complement your decor
  • Fast, simple, quiet operation
  • Power-saving design features


  • Smaller water and spent-capsule capacity
  • No carry handle
Nespresso Essenza Mini Coffee and Espresso Machine by De’Longhi
  • Compact machine offers 2 programmable cup sizes; Espresso Lungo
  • 19 bar high-pressure pump for barista-style flavor and aroma
  • Fast heat-up system reaches ideal temperature in just 25 seconds
  • Automatic shut-off feature 9 minutes after last use
  • Machine is compatible with Nespresso Original espresso capsules.

Key Differences

These machines have many similarities because they serve the same audience: espresso-loving coffee drinkers searching for an affordable, user-friendly machine using the Nespresso brewing system. While both focus on speed and convenience, there are a few important differences.

The Inissia is larger than the Essenza Mini. It has a somewhat larger footprint on the counter, and you need some space to maneuver in your setup. Because the carry handle doubles as the lever that locks the machine into brewing mode, you need to be able to swing it down into a horizontal position. It can also hold more water and spent capsules, going more uses between fill-ups.

The Essenza Mini is smaller and lower-impact. Its tiny silhouette and quieter pump make it ideal even for small, shared spaces such as an RV or cabin. However, this size reduction comes at the cost of capacity for both water and spent capsules, which could reduce usefulness for people who are preparing multiple drinks every morning.

Helping You Decide

Both the Inissia and the Essenza Mini are high-quality, affordable entries into the Nespresso brewing system. You can load your best Nespresso capsule into either machine and enjoy a delicious, velvety cup of espresso in almost no time.

If you’re making a morning shot for more than one or two people, the Inissia’s larger water tank and spent-capsule tray will make your mornings easier. The budget-conscious may also be able to hunt down a great deal on one of these machines as retailers move out remaining stock of the discontinued unit.

On the other hand, the Essenza Mini features many attractive updates including the reduction in noise and power appetite. If you can get by with the slightly smaller reservoir, the newer design fits in a smaller space and has even more streamlined operation.

Capsules lock in taste,
Luxury at fingertips,
Swiss innovation.
Aroma fills the small space,
Simple moments, rich flavors.

About the Author

4 thoughts on “Nespresso Inissia Vs. Essenza Mini: Which Should You Choose?”

  1. Love that you pictured the Inissia sitting in a puddle of water because that was my dilemma I was constantly cleaning up the leakage, I was never make the coffee and enjoy, it was make the coffee, clean up the leakage, then enjoy the coffee, every time..The coffee was amazing, so I sacrificed. I liked the asthetics, the handle, the flip back base for larger cups. Though the reservoir is a bit larger, it will leak if you fill it up.
    I now have an essenza mini. This too makes an amazing cup and no leaking. It’s quieter, and it’s just me , so I don’t mind refilling the water in it.
    All in all the essenza mini wins my vote and so nice having an ahhhh It’s so good ? moment without seeing another puddle.

    • That’s not a puddle of water—just a very shiny countertop! The new Essenza Mini is also the one we keep in our home, though. The quiet brewing is great. Perhaps Nespresso discontinued the Inissia partly because of the problems you encountered. They seem to have found their groove with the Essenza Mini.

  2. I had an Essenza mini. Was fine for 2 years then developed serious leaking issue so I bought the Inissia.

  3. I have a number of Nespresso machines – my original D290 (now packed away), an original manual Essenza C91 (on my desk at work for a time), a U (for the RV), and Gran Maestria (replaced the D290).

    We’ve been using the GM daily now for about 5 years, and it’s been bulletproof; before that the D290 saw about 5 years of flawless use. The U was used for about 5 years in a travel trailer that was moved around all season. So far I’ve been quite happy with the performance and durability of these machines, and I haven’t experienced any leaks in my units.

    Nespresso is running a promo now, offering the Essenza Mini D or Inissia for $29 with the purchase of 350 caps, and throwing in an Aeroccino 3 if you buy 450 caps.

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